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Advance Directive for Healthcare

What is an ADH? 

Georgia's Advance Directive for Healthcare (“ADH”) is one of the foundational planning tools that is appropriate for most Georgia residents. Created by legislation that became effective in 2007, this document combines the provisions of a living will and a durable power of attorney for healthcare.

What does the ADH do?

The ADH allows you to designate someone to serve as a healthcare agent and provides that agent with your treatment preferences, such as whether to be kept alive by artificial means, whether to receive nutrition by tubes, or whether to be allowed to die a natural death. It grants the healthcare agent with the powers to:

  • admit or discharge you from treatment
  • request or consent to any type of care
  • contract for the provision of medical services and care, obligating you to be responsible for payment of those services.

Importantly, the healthcare agent only has authority to act if you are not able to make decisions for yourself, or if you choose to have the agent make decisions on your behalf. Note that the ADH does not apply to mental or emotional illness or to treatment for an addictive disease. The ADH also provides the opportunity for you to designate a back-up healthcare agent (or two), in case the first is unable or unwilling to act in this important role.

Additionally, the ADH allows for the appointment of a designated guardian over the patient, should a court determine that a guardian is necessary. You may designate your healthcare agent, or someone else, to be appointed as guardian if such an appointment should become necessary.

Can a marriage/divorce change my ADH? 

Yes, changes in your marital status might result in portions of your ADH not being valid. For example, if you become married after completing the ADH, your selection of a healthcare agent is not valid, unless the agent selected is your new spouse. And, if you become divorced after completing the ADH, the ex-spouse is no longer qualified to be your healthcare agent.

How is an ADH executed? 

Like a will, the ADH must be executed with some formality. Under Georgia law, the ADH must be signed by the person making the ADH, and by two witnesses. It does not need to be notarized. The person executing (completing) the ADH must have the capacity to do so. To put it simply, this means that he has the mental ability to understand the decisions he is making and has the legal ability to execute the ADH.

Why prepare an ADH? 

If you become incapacitated and cannot make decisions for yourself, the ADH provides a designated person that you have chosen to make those decisions, as opposed to a person appointed by a court. And, by providing your treatment preferences, you assure your agent, and your family members, that you have considered these issues and reached a decision as to how you want to be treated and communicate those wishes through the ADH. Hopefully, these directives will relieve some of the stress from the situation in the event of your incapacitation and prevent the agent from having to “guess” how you want to be treated.

What else might I want to know? 

This overview has provided some basic information about the Georgia ADH and is a good start toward understanding this important planning document. If you have questions about the ADH and whether you need one, or if yours has been completed properly, please consult with an experienced estate planning lawyer for assistance. Finally, like other legal documents, you should review your ADH from time to time to make sure that it still reflects your wishes, and that it is still valid if you've married, divorced, or had other lifestyle changes.

Do I need more than an ADH?

The ADH is just one of the documents usually completed as part of an estate planning process for individuals in Georgia. Other basic documents include a Last Will and Testament as well as a Durable Power of Attorney. If you have questions about your estate planning needs, please contact us today for a consultation.

Contact Peach State Wills & Trusts at 678-730-2079 or online for estate planning services in Georgia. If you have any questions about estate planning in Georgia, you can download our free guide here, no strings attached.

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At Peach State Wills and Trusts, a division of The Beck Law Firm, LLC, we're committed to answering your questions about wills, trusts, powers of attorney, healthcare directives, uncontested probate, and business planning issues in Georgia.

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