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Parent-Teen Cell Phone Contract

When my children were much younger and getting their first cell phones, I wanted to encourage responsible and safe use, and ensure that they understood the expectations our family had for them regarding the use of the phone and my teenager's personal conduct.  So, being a lawyer, I naturally thought about writing up a contract for my kids to sign.  I did just that, and both children had to sign dad's cell phone contract before they received a cell phone.  Although my kids might have thought it was a bit much, our contract was helpful as it made sure our family was on the same page.  My kids knew what was expected of them, and knew what the consequences might include if they did not carry out their end of the deal. It also helped them to be a little more mindful about some issues that might arise with technology that was new to them, and the freedoms that they might enjoy with such a device to call their own.

Occasionally, other parents who had heard about my contract asked me for a copy, which I gladly provided.  I later thought it might be good to make this more widely available, and that's what we're doing now. This contract template you are receiving is a little different than the one used with my kids, as we've designed it to be flexible and customizable for your family, and to address more current day issues.

We're happy to provide this Parent-Teen Cell Phone contract to you, subject to your acceptance of the following conditions:

  1. This is not legal advice and our firm and its lawyers do not represent you in connection with your use of this document or in any other matter unless we both have signed a written engagement agreement.
  2. This is not an actual, legal contract which is intended to be enforceable in court. The purpose of this document is to help families come to an understanding as to what the rules are for their children using cell phones. By making expectations - and possible consequences - clear, and by having a mutual understanding among parents and teens, we hope to foster good family communication, and encourage all parties to act responsibly.
  3. Finally, please don't pass this off as your own work and use our material for other purposes. That's just not cool. But, feel free to encourage others to visit our website and request their own copy.

Helping protect our families is at the core of a lot of work we do at my law firm, including in our estate planning practice. If we can be of help with your estate planning or business law needs, don't hesitate to reach out to us.  Find more information, visit us online at or call us at 678-344-5342.

All the best,


Download a free copy of the parent-teen cell phone contract here:

Download the Parent-Teen Phone Contract here.

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